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5 Data Management Predictions for 2025 (And an Extra 2 if You’re Using Seemore ;-))

At Seemore, we take data seriously—especially when it comes to saving you money. Over the past year, we’ve dug into countless data stacks, sniffed out heaps of avoidable waste, and helped our clients streamline their costs. Want to know what we see on the horizon? Here are our seven predictions for 2025:

1. Half of Organizations Will Still Miss the Basics

In 2024, we found that 50% of organizations never flipped the right switches on their data warehouse: Auto Suspend, Auto Resume, Scaling Policies, Warehouse Size…you name it. We predict this trend will continue as more companies jump into the data deep end. 

The lesson? Don’t let your shiny new warehouse run on autopilot without double- (and triple-) checking the fundamentals.

2. Unused Dashboards Will Multiply Like Gremlins
Organizations love dashboards. Unfortunately, they also love forgetting about them. We saw that 80% of dashboards go untouched, yet they still rack up compute charges. As data environments become more complex, the “zombie dashboard” epidemic will spread. 

If you’ve got more dashboards than your team knows what to do with, it’s time to put a stake in the heart of those unused ones.

3. Two-Thirds of Orgs Will Overshoot Their 2025 Budgets by 20%
We’ve witnessed what happens when data usage balloons out of control. Without clear governance or visibility into which resources are being burned, budgets get blown—fast. 

Expect this to worsen as big data becomes the norm, especially in organizations that lack the right cost-monitoring tools.

4. Tweaking Job Frequency Alone Will Save 10%
Running jobs more often than needed is a sneaky money drain. There’s no logic in updating data every hour if it’s only pulled once a day. By aligning job frequency with how data is consumed, you can easily trim 10% off your bill. It’s a simple move, but managing it manually can be tedious. Fortunately, that’s a sweet spot for automation—and for Seemore.

5. Half the Waste Is Outside Your Warehouse

Everyone points fingers at the data warehouse, but 50% of potential savings actually live elsewhere—BI tools, orchestration, ingestion pipelines, and even licensing. Digging into these often-overlooked areas can uncover quick wins that are just as critical as the “big fixes.” Whether you do it manually, or choose the automatic magic of Seemore, this is one area where you should really focus in 2025.

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Two extra prediction for Seemore customers

6. Four in Five Seemore Customers Will Slash Data Costs by 35% in 30 Days

Our clients often see a quick win simply by tidying up queries, ditching redundant workflows, and paring down over-provisioned hardware. We’re predicting these 30-day results will keep happening in 2025. Yes, we’re biased, but our numbers are on the clock—literally.

7. Onboarding You on Seemore Will Take Less Than 30 Minutes
Let’s face it, nobody wants a long, painful rollout. Our streamlined onboarding process (a big “thank you” to our amazing dev team) takes less time than a pizza delivery. In 2025, we predict we’ll maintain that same quick-and-easy standard.


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what can you DO with this?

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